Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Galileo and the moronic

Galileo and the moronic
It is the nature of humanity that, when we peer deep into our collective soul, we fear what we find. And, although the fear's foundation is within us, we project it onto the first being that strikes us as different. Without the knowledge of our spirit as eternal, humanity turns into itself and devours it's soul over and over.

The profound yet simple insight that something infinitely subtle animates and supports our individual lives demands our awareness. Yet, in the delicate complexity of creation, our senses serve to betray us. We see ourselves as observers set apart and detached from a universe of divine and perfect balance. We are imperfect, and our senses imperfectly reveal the world around us. The imprint created on the mind is predisposed to the DNA of reincarnation. Whether we have been warriors for Truth, or cowardly Judas's of self protection, choosing gold over the infinite jewel of divinity.

Our infinitesimal presence on our tiny globe has been a harbinger of chaos and individual and state sponsored hatred, and, yet, it has not overshadowed the much more powerful Truth that the creation is in balance. Each cacophonous uproar of conflict carries our tiny community closer to the finality of self destruction.